Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Walks Before He Can Run

This is a basic Chinese notion about how things should be done in a gradual order: you don't teach a baby to run if he could not even walk (less true with Forrest Gump though). But too often the civilized West becomes impatient with the 'barbarian Asians' and ask them to jump without knowing where they originally stood.

This impatience is again manifest in the New York Times' editorial, where Afghanistan and Pakistan for violation of human rights and regressing into Islamic war control. I cannot speak for the Pakistan authority which let happen the beating of a woman for refusing a marriage, because it is an extreme case of human rights violation. I cannot speak for Mr. Karzai of Afghanistan, either, as the new law does sanction marital rape. But condemnation does not work.

The very idea that passing a marital rape law could boost Mr. Karzai's re-election campion shows that the law has popular support among the Afghan voters. Now I don't really know if women can vote in Afganistan or not (and given the newly passed law, it seems that they can't), but clearly Mr. Karzai is making a calculated decision. Find him another viable way, or stop telling him that he's doing the immoral thing. You can't condemn him into another presidency.

The popular support for Islamic law, as I understand it (or am unable to understand it), has many complex levels. Scolding Mr. Karzai isn't likely to work; telling them to respect the rights of women overnight isn't either (while telling them to respect the rights of women the Western way is entirely another matter.) The way to do it is to induce the Islamic society (and any other non-Western compliant societies) to form globally acceptable moral codes on friendly terms. The Japanese and the Indians once treated foreigners (Europeans) like dogs, but are now good world citizens (at least in this current world order), and it took them a couple of centuries to get there. Why can't we give other people some time so convergence in value can take place, unless some of us are actively seeking possible enemies to divert attention on local matters?

I don't believe that the word 'befriend' means beat someone repetitively untill they are submissive enough to agree to everything you say. Realize the difference and be tolerant. Since it's always easier said than done, stop condemnation and try to do some real friendly work patiently. Please.

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