Sunday, April 05, 2009

Just survived my GNOME 2.26 upgrade

Arch Linux is for the lazy. Yes. When everything goes as planned. If not, this beautiful OS will turn into a thing for the crazy... At least for a non-programmer like me.

To cut a long story short, I upgraded GNOME on Arch installation last night, and came back this morning only to discover that CPU usage went up 100% 99% of the time, and Xorg (again) is identified as the culprit. As suggested on the Arch forum, upgrading xorg-server to 1.60 will solve the problem, but I was not so lucky. After the upgrade, CPU usage still hung around 50%, and my laptop still turned into a burner very fast.

It is suggested that creating a new user will solve the problem, as some of the old configs are not working well with the new version of GNOME. After some messing around I accidentally discovered that disabling nautilus show desktoy in Gconf-editor make cpu usage spike, and turning it back on put my cpu usage back at bay. I suggest that people try this first before flushing their home directory. Good Luck! Happy Arching!

Seems that a quick xorg fix on the 1.5 branch has fixed this problem. Kudos to the devs.

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