Friday, March 20, 2009

In Google I trust?

Having been thinking about moving out of Microsoft Live Space for a long time--the interface is too slow and too ugly for my liking. Moved to a while ago, but later found out that the site is not actually affiliated with Wordpress. And Inaccessible behind the wall.

I'm a bit scared at putting almost everyone of the services I use under the banner of Google, but it does provide almost every web service that I need, with aesthetics, with responsibility, and hopefully, with a well managed relationship with the Chinese authority for as long as I can foresee.

So I finally decided to move most of my English blogging to Google, knowing that it would be quite easy to migrate to Wordpress when I have the time and money to get a hosting service. This move to Google is not the first one, and perhaps will not be the last one.

My heart did not rest well when Bloglines seemed to have gone down and I finally had to move my feeds over to Google Reader. Google is growing into a good-willed monopoly, and while the monopoly does not go away easily, good-will often does. But what choice do I have? Especially over Feels almost like the good old Windows piracy marketing.

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